Long time before I was even a PADI Course Director, I had this project in mind. I was excited about the idea of creating a space totally dedicated to the diving world, where teachers and students could live together, exchanging knowledge and true experiences. Something far beyond the conventional training. A place where we bring out the best of all of us, where we are not conditioned by the time or the number of practices and where each student can have 100% personalized attention and advance at their own pace. Now this idea has finally become a reality.
The IDC Barcelona campus arrives.
If you want to become a PADI diving instructor, the IDC Barcelona Campus is without any kind of doubt your best option. A diving training space where students and teachers will live together for 7 days: working, studying, practicing, eating and even sleeping together (but each one in a bed, OK?) 🙂
I’m talking about much more than a training, it will be a 24/7 full of recommendations, you will live our own experiences as diving instructors both locally and abroad, you will know the current work situation and all its pros and cons.
And I can’t think of a better place to develop this first campus than a little house close to Barcelona: a town open to the sea and with a great diving tradition, with excellent communications, cosmopolitan and opened to everybody. It is the perfect place.
Te hablo de mucho más que formación, será un 24/7 lleno de recomendaciones, vivirás nuestras propias experiencias como instructores de buceo tanto en el país como en el extranjero, conocerás las situación laboral actual y todos sus pros y contras.
Y no se me ocurre un lugar mejor para desarrollar este primer campus que una casita en las afueras de Barcelona: una población abierta al mar y con una gran tradición submarinista, con excelentes comunicaciones, cosmopolita y abierta a todos. Es el lugar perfecto.
In addition to having me as Course Director, you will discover that I have a great Staff that always works with me. Diving professionals with thousands of hours in the water that will help you to become the instructor you have always wanted to be.
If you are interested, hurry up because places are very limited. If you want to receive more information or make any questions, do not hesitate to contact me on the phone 630 02 92 96 or you can send an email to: hola@chiquibustos.com with the subject Campus IDC Barcelona
Thinking about the different needs of each one, we have developed 3 training models. Choose the one that best suits your needs.
Does not include: PADI fees (€ 850), Grocery for meals.
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